We Treat
Repetitive Strain Injury

Information on how our Chiropractor can treat your Repetitive Strain Injury

Our team of chiropractors in Cardiff  see a large number of patients presenting with this condition. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is an umbrella term used to describe a range of conditions which develop due to a gradual build-up of tension and overuse in our muscles, tendons and joints because of everyday activities and stresses. It is usually related to a job or occupation such as typing but it can also be associated with leisure activities such as playing sport or music and everyday house chores. Some common RSI’s include rotator cuff impingement, tennis elbow, iliotibial band syndrome and plantar fasciitis.

The symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injuries may include:

  • Pain which is aggravated by movement
  • Reduced range of movement
  • Swelling
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness

Our highly skilled and experienced team of chiropractors in Bridgend and Cardiff  design a treatment programme tailored to your specific condition. This may involve a combination of any of the following, manipulation or mobilisation of the surrounding joints which not only increases the available movement at these joints and thus eases the load on the muscles and tendons which work over work over the joint, but relaxes the soft tissues surrounding the area, deep soft tissue work (cross friction, massage, myofascial release techniques) to reduce any fibrous adhesions (knots) and tension which may have developed within the musculature , therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, which may speed up the healing time and improve the quality of the scar tissue. Most importantly our chiropractors will give you postural and ergonomic advice, and a home rehabilitative program to help address any imbalances and possible attributing factors and thus in turn reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

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